Air Quality Monitor Problem #RPizero #BME280

All setup and ready to go using RPi Zero but BME280 sensor not being interpreted. The message says its expecting a BME680 but why would a 280 not work?
This is the log:
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor Enviro Plus hat not found
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor BME680 not found on 0x76, trying 0x77
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor BME680 not found on 0x77
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor Sense HAT not found
16.05.20 20:11:37 (+0000) sensor 1-wire sensor not found
16.05.20 20:11:37 (+0000) sensor No suitable sensors found! Exiting.
16.05.20 20:11:40 (+0000) telegraf 2020-05-16T20:11:40Z E! [inputs.http] Error in plugin: [url=http://sensor]: Get http://sensor: dial tcp connect: connection refused
16.05.20 20:11:42 (+0000) Service exited ‘sensor sha256:1e449bd09f641af109eef47e0a13763614650d81934ed05365a328acac3150e9’
17.05.20 16:52:26 (+0000) Supervisor starting
Any thoughts/solutions please?