All setup and ready to go using RPi Zero but BME280 sensor not being interpreted. The message says its expecting a BME680 but why would a 280 not work?
This is the log:
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor Enviro Plus hat not found
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor BME680 not found on 0x76, trying 0x77
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor BME680 not found on 0x77
16.05.20 20:11:36 (+0000) sensor Sense HAT not found
16.05.20 20:11:37 (+0000) sensor 1-wire sensor not found
16.05.20 20:11:37 (+0000) sensor No suitable sensors found! Exiting.
16.05.20 20:11:40 (+0000) telegraf 2020-05-16T20:11:40Z E! [inputs.http] Error in plugin: [url=http://sensor]: Get http://sensor: dial tcp connect: connection refused
16.05.20 20:11:42 (+0000) Service exited ‘sensor sha256:1e449bd09f641af109eef47e0a13763614650d81934ed05365a328acac3150e9’
17.05.20 16:52:26 (+0000) Supervisor starting
Any thoughts/solutions please?
We don’t support BME280 on the balena-sense project yet. What you see in the logs is the sensor service not being able to find a BME680 on the address specified.
Please feel free to open an issue on GitHub to add support for BME280 - it’s a completely open source project and we love when our community members chip in ideas and contributions!
Many thanks for your response.
I’ve now raised the issue on GitHub.
Best wishes.
Hey there!
I am a newbie here. Got the same log message with BME680 (rpi 2)
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor Enviro Plus hat not found
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor BME680 not found on 0x76, trying 0x77
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor BME680 not found on 0x77
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor Sense HAT not found
19.05.20 15:53:05 (+0300) sensor 1-wire sensor not found
19.05.20 15:53:05 (+0300) sensor No suitable sensors found! Exiting.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Hi there,
It sounds like the raspberry pi isn’t able to detect your sensor. How are you connecting the sensor? Is it one that requires you to solder or one that you can plug in?
We have some information about how to setup the BME680 on a pi here:
Another helpful tip is to use dsmeg
to print out the startup logs (there may be some helpful error messages here if the hardware is not setup correctly):
Hello Lucy-Jane,
Many thanks for your response.
My connections below are for the Bosch BME280 NOT the Pimoroni BME280.
See: -AND-
My connections are as follows but the screen shot below shows the results.
Bosch BME280 RPi Zero
Vin Pin 1 (3.3 power)
3Vo n/c
GND Pin 9 (Ground)
SCK Pin 5 (SCL)
SDO n/c
SDI Pin 3 (SDA
CS Pin 1 (3.3 power)
However this gives an error message: Tunnelling socket not established, status code = 500, which is an improvement in seeing the BME280 device but unfortunately with no data. Any further thoughts please? Or is it that your colleague Anuj was correct in that this device is just not supported by Balena?
Kind regards.
Hi @roj – I think Lucy-Jane’s response was aimed at @stasturbo, who posted after you; they were experiencing problems with the BME680. (@stasturbo, if you’re still having problems, it might be better to start a separate thread to avoid confusion.)
As for support for the BME280 – it looks like there is a driver for the BME280, as there is for the BME680. While I don’t work on this particular project, it seems that in principle there’s nothing preventing adding support for this device to balenaSense. If you (or another community member!) are comfortable doing this, you could certainly take on the issue you submitted and submit a pull request to add support.
All the best,
@saintaardvark @ljewalsh Guys! Thanks for the help, I’m moving to a new thread.
Thanks Hugh - I’m not yet sufficiently confident with GitHub or to creating code for incorporating in to balena_sense , therefore I feel unable to take on the task of submitting a pull request from the link you give for the BME280 driver
Once I have this working I can then test out the application I have identified, followed by eventually using an Adafruit Enviro+ to replace the BME280.
Is there anyone out there who could take on this task of submitting a pull request, please?
Hi, I just checked and I see the BME sensors have drivers built in the Linux kernel as well. Getting this to work will need some debugging and experimenting from what I can tell - and it does not look super trivial. I am not sure anyone from our team will be able to look into this soon though. Hopefully someone who would like to use those sensors as well can take a look at this at some point.
+1 from me, I would also like to see BME280 support.
The BME280 is now supported in version 2 of balenaSense. Please check the project’s readme before upgrading!