Hey there!
I am a newbie here. Got the same log message with BME680 (rpi 2)
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor Enviro Plus hat not found
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor BME680 not found on 0x76, trying 0x77
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor BME680 not found on 0x77
19.05.20 15:53:03 (+0300) sensor Sense HAT not found
19.05.20 15:53:05 (+0300) sensor 1-wire sensor not found
19.05.20 15:53:05 (+0300) sensor No suitable sensors found! Exiting.
Thanks for the help in advance!
Hello Lucy-Jane!
Yep, I soldered the sensor and went thru balena tutorial. I’m going to try your second tip and report it here. Thank you!
Hi there,
It sounds like the raspberry pi isn’t able to detect your sensor. How are you connecting the sensor? Is it one that requires you to solder or one that you can plug in?
We have some information about how to setup the BME680 on a pi here: Build an air quality monitor with InfluxDB, Grafana, and Docker on a Raspberry Pi
Another helpful tip is to use dsmeg
to print out the startup logs (there may be some helpful error messages here if the hardware is not setup correctly): https://www.howtogeek.com/449335/how-to-use-the-dmesg-command-on-linux/
Hi @stasturbo , one other thing to do is to try run i2cdetect -y 1
from the sensor container using the webterminal, you should see something similar to the below screenshot, but should for the BME680 it would show up as 77
in the grid. If that doesn’t show anything there, it means that the OS is not detecting your sensor on the i2c bus and that usually means wiring problems or damaged hardware.

@shaunmulligan Thank you! I’m going to try it!
@shaunmulligan If it means something…
wow, that seems very strange, do you have another hat or other sensors connected to that device? It seems to indicate you have about 20 i2c sensors connected to your board which sounds wrong and might indicate a hardware issue somewhere 
Perhaps you can send a photo of your current connection setup
Nope, only this one @shaunmulligan
sorry, can you take a photo with the the top of the sensor visible so we can see the pin connections correctly. Could you also link to where you purchased the sensor?
[](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/balena/original/2X/d/de08dcc1ae710f19ccf3fb28808770ba4f01826e.jpeg "3")
Hey @stasturbo from what I can see it seems like the connections all make sense. I think what we need to do is try remove as many variables as possible to figure out where the failure is. For this I would like to suggest you install Raspbian ( https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ ) preferably on another SD card if you have one and then install the pimoroni library for BME680 (from here https://github.com/pimoroni/bme680-python) using curl https://get.pimoroni.com/bme680 | bash
Also after doing that check the output of i2cdetect -y 1
again on raspbian (after installing the above library as it will automatically enable i2c on the OS for you).
Doing these tests should be able to help us validate that the hardware is working as expected or not.
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I’ve done it! @shaunmulligan 
Can you please try manually enabling i2c on raspbian and then running i2cdetect -y 1
You can find the related settings in the following UI menu: Pi Start Menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration or if you prefer doing this from the terminal you can use sudo raspi-config.
Keep in mind that in both cases you will need to reboot the device.
Kind regards,
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Are these subsequent runs showing completely different results on each run?
It looks like 
But mostly it’s blank
Hi again,
In that case this might be pointing to a hardware issue.
A properly working i2c sensor should only show one or two numbers, like the screenshot Shaun shared a bit earlier (which has 3 i2c sensors connected).
At this point, since the results from both OSes look suspicious, I would suggest you to give this a try with a different set of equipment.
Kind regards,
Thank you very much for the help!