Our feature requests category is the place for sharing your suggestions and ideas. Whether it’s a new feature, an enhancement to existing functionality, or a completely fresh concept, this is where your voice can help drive change.
Before posting, please do check to see if your idea (or something similar) has already been suggested. If so, vote or comment on the original topic rather than creating a new topic.
When creating a topic, please try to ensure you include the following key information:
- A clear and concise description of the feature you are requesting
- The problem you’re trying to solve or the use case for the feature
- Any potential benefits this feature could bring
We really value your input and can’t wait to hear how we can make the product better for everyone!
(Side note: If you’ve used our feature request page in the past you may be surprised to find that things look a little different round here, we recently switched over to discourse due to persistent issues with spam on our previous platform. Discourse enables us to deliver a more stable, secure and streamlined experience for you, and provides us with some great tools to more efficiently manage your requests and keep you updated)