Thanks Ilias. I run DevOps at resin, so I tend to spend my time split between building and evaluating infrastructure/tooling, responding to issues or high-priority feature requests, and support (when I’m on rotation).
Lately, I’ve been experimenting with using Terraform, aiming to replace our current CloudFormation definition in our production and staging environments eventuall. I started by using it to set up the pieces Ilias needed for his data warehousing project. I’m really enjoying it, and find it so light-weight that It’d be nice to roll it out across all of our accounts (we have a bunch of accounts for different things, to isolate the potential for failure/mistakes to impact customers). I’m also in the early stages of working on porting the components to Kubernetes for an evaluation. Due to some of the stuff we do (our Git server, VPN, etc.) moving to Kubernetes isn’t as straightforward as it could be, and given the nature of what we do the value proposition isn’t as strong for us. We’ll see where that takes us.
I’ve been learning Rust, and wrote my first (ugly) little tool in it. It’s been a really fun, but occasionally frustrating, process. I enjoy the act of writing in Rust a lot. I have a strong Ruby background, and in many ways Rust reads and feels like a mashup of Ruby, JavaScript, and Go (in my opinion; feel free to disagree).
The resin team has been expanding rapidly, and so many of my day-to-day tasks have involved onboarding-related things. I don’t manage our IT, but I’m involved in getting people’s keys on the right hosts, troubleshooting Jenkins issues, etc. We’ve got a ton of projects in the pipe right now, so we’ve had fewer deploys since the holidays.
Of course, today’s Friday, so I’m thinking I’ll probably dive into one of my hack Friday projects. Lately I’ve been working on
- a distributed temperature/humidity sensor network (my basement floods and has humidity problems)
- this uses a DHT22/11 to take readings, and integrates with AWS IoT to push data
- an OctoPrint on resin setup for my 3D printer (a PrintrBot Simple Metal)
- a smart thermostat (ideally integrated with the temp/hum sensor network), as well as having motion detection, etc.
Additionally, I have a home-built CNC milling machine ( I want to integrate with our microcontroller support. It uses grbl for its motion planning, but it would be nice to register the Arduino as a dependent device and be able to update it remotely.
Because I believe @joe has been doing more work with Rust lately (and I don’t think he’s already in this thread) I’m going to nominate him for the next post. Have a good weekend, everyone!