Waveshare DSI LCD Touchscreen support

Hello, there are a few things you can try to get the display working in balenaOS:

  1. Set the device overlays (as shown in step 2 of the Waveshare wiki link in the first post, or use a similar overlay list for other displays) Here is a link for how to set such overlays: Advanced boot settings - Balena Documentation
  2. Since the device overlay for a particular display is probably not included in balenaOS, you may need to compile them to .dtbo format and copy to the Pi. Here is an example of that step:
    Sensors and Data Logging with Embedded Linux - The Ultimate Guide Part 1 - balena Blog - check out the section at the bottom about enabling a device tree overlay at boot on balenaOS.

Also check out this post with a similar question: HyperPixel 2.1 Round Display Support