Variscite Dart 6UL BalenaOS Example of App Using the LCD


I am using this development board


Is there any balena App example that use the LCD in this Dart 6UL imx6 board?

Any help is appreciated it.

Hi. I just used on the same kit that you linked above, and was able to see the app running and displaying on the LCD screen:

Can you detail what exactly did not work when you tried the same example app I provided?

Hi. I just used on the same kit that you linked above, and was able to see the app running and displaying on the LCD screen:
Can you detail what exactly did not work when you tried the same example app I provided?


Can you please post your Dockerfile.template?
What BalenaOS version for variscite are you using?

Did you make any modifications to rhe original repo?


@rlev I did not do any changes to that project. I just cloned it and pushed it.
so the Dockerfile.template is the one you can find in github

@rlev I did not do any changes to that project. I just cloned it and pushed it.
so the Dockerfile.template is the one you can find in github


Did you use variscite balena v2.29.2 rev4?

Which I think is the latest.

I used balenaOS 2.29.2+rev2

Hi @rlev, are you building your image yourself? As in production the latest version for the Dart 6UL board is 2.13.6+rev2, if I’m not mistaken. Currently 2.29.2+rev3 is in testing, but not yet released.

Yes I am building my own DEVELOPMENT images for dart-6ul imx6 based on the balena variscite repo from github.

Also I am using openbalena as a backend.

Okay, thanks @rlev! Just asking as that version is not yet released in production, you can see the latest version (and download it, including dev versions) from

As per @floion’s question, how did you deploy the project, have you made any modifications yourself? Trying to find where are the discrepancies between our attempt and yours. Thanks a lot!

@imrehg, @floion

I will try again using this time the downloadable dev image from balena website. And I will let you know how goes.

Thank you very much for your help.

Sure thing, @rlev, keep us posted! In the meantime, it sounds like that a closely similar version as yours was working for us, so the issue might be on the application side indeed. How did you deploy the project, have you made any modifications yourself?

I have a backend instance of openbalena which I used to deploy non-gui applications and works well.

@rlev sorry, that we weren’t clear enough. We meant the example application. As @floion mentioned above that he tested with this project and seems to work: did you have a chance to try to deploy that, and see if it worked for you like it did for us, or run into any issues?

@imrehg ,
Sorry for misunderstanding.
I will try it and let you know outcome.

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Using balena variscite v2.29.2 rev4 works.

I will use this app as a template.

@imrehg and @floion Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.

I forgot to ask one question :
Is the touchscreen support included in the XServer installed?

Yeah, it should have touch support, you can check the readme how to enable that
Though it is mainly based on the Electron project for the interface (having a browser there)

There’s also an actual XServer based project that should indeed have touch support too

I will check it out.


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