Using HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC Pro and SOUND_ENABLE_SOUNDCARD_INPUT but get no sound out, pulseaudio errors


So I am using a HiFiBerry DAC+ ADC Pro and it works great for sound output. I have it configured with the btoverlay of “hifiberry-dacplusadcpro”.

So now I am attempting to I am attempting to I am attempting to I am attempting to I am attempting to I am attempting to I am attempting to connect my chromecast audio through the soundcard input.
The issue I am encountering is when I add the variable “SOUND_ENABLE_SOUNDCARD_INPUT” errors appear in the logs, specifically related to pulseaudio but the multiroom-server is also throwing errors (probably related to the pulseaudio issues).

 multiroom-server  --- Multiroom ---
 multiroom-server  Starting multiroom service with settings:
 multiroom-server  - Mode: server
 multiroom-server  - Snapcast version: v0.25.0
 multiroom-server  Starting multi-room server...
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-41-47.877 [Error] (Avahi) Failed to create client: Daemon not running
 multiroom-client  2022-02-14 23-41-48.276 [Error] (Controller) Failed to send hello request, error: Operation timed out
 multiroom-client  2022-02-14 23-41-48.277 [Error] (Controller) Time sync request failed: Operation timed out
 multiroom-client  2022-02-14 23-41-48.277 [Error] (Connection) Error reading message header of length 0: Operation canceled
 sound-supervisor  Joining the fleet, requesting master info with fleet-sync...
 multiroom-client  metadata:{"STREAM":"balenaSound"}
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-41-49.322 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error reading message header of length 0: End of file
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-41-49.323 [Error] (StreamSession) StreamSession write error (msg length: 0): Broken pipe
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-41-49.323 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error in socket shutdown: Socket not connected
 audio  E: [pulseaudio] backend-native.c: socket(SEQPACKET, SCO) Address family not supported by protocol
 bluetooth  - Successfully connected to Pixel 5a (xxxxxxxx)...
 audio  E: [pulseaudio] backend-native.c: accept(): Not a socket
 audio  W: [pulseaudio] module-loopback.c: Configured latency of 200.00 ms is smaller than minimum latency, using minimum instead
 audio  W: [pulseaudio] module-loopback.c: Cannot set requested sink latency of 66.67 ms, adjusting to 250.00 ms
 audio  W: [pulseaudio] module-loopback.c: Configured latency of 200.00 ms is smaller than minimum latency, using minimum instead
 audio  W: [pulseaudio] module-loopback.c: Cannot set requested source latency of 66.67 ms, adjusting to 250.00 ms
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-42-03.251 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error reading message header of length 0: End of file
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-42-11.839 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error reading message header of length 0: End of file
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-42-11.896 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error reading message header of length 0: Connection reset by peer
 multiroom-server  2022-02-14 23-42-11.897 [Error] (StreamSessionTCP) Error in socket shutdown: Socket not connected

Attaching a screen shot to show the Device Variables as I am unsure if I have added “SOUND_ENABLE_SOUNDCARD_INPUT” correctly.

Does anyone have any ideas?

I no longer need assistance with this as I set up snapclient directly on an rpi. If others are having issues I have created a PR for the snapcast project with updates to the docs to show how I did it directly with ALSA. Also for anyone interested this is working fine on rpi2 where as with balenaSound the audio was always delayed and skipping. The massive delay I experienced with balenaSound is also solved by using snapCast directly, the delay is about 2 seconds and does not increase with uptime.