Using Gstreamer with video encoder/decoder accelerators

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Hi @acostach,

Thank you for creating the dockerfile. I got chance to try your Dockerfile and it works fine.
I just changed version of Ubuntu to 16.04 and I got the same error messages that I had posted before. I think gstreamer packages for Ubunut:16.04 have issue or they are incompatible.
Following your approach build gstreamer and plugins in Dockerfile may fix the issue. I will try that and update you.

Hi @Farzad

I found an Ubuntu 16 base image that I believe might be good for what you need, installed the necessary packages, some at specific versions, and managed to load the pre-built gstreamer libraries and plugins to run the pipeline without rebuilding them from sources. I’ve used that specific release so I can install versions of packages that are compatible with the prebuilt gstreamer libraries.

I’ve created this Dockerfile with Ubuntu 16, on my side it runs the gstreamer pipeline as usual, the plugins get loaded and I see the sample video output on the screen.

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thank you @acostach! it works fine even with balenalib/jetson-tx2-ubuntu:xenial .
I guess the following line does the magic,
apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades libgbm1=11.2.0-1ubuntu2

There are two installers forgstreamer1.0-plugins-bad and removing the last one, creates issue where it cannot find gst-omx. I was working on a container which builds gst and plug-ins but for now I will use your docker for our application.