hey @joeyates, can you tell us a bit about the custom board that you are mounting on? What does it do, how does it relate to the system?
What’s the non-Balena image you are flashing onto it?
In the image you flash, do you use development, or production? Would recommend using the development image, that should have logs if it can.
If no boot and no logs with the development image, then it might be the issue that working with that custom board is not yet supported, but that’s a hunch, pending more info.
Hi, can you share with us the other image that you can boot on your hardware?
Also, can you share a close-up photo of the hardware so we can take a look at the pcb revisions please?
In the meantime, we’ve been able to boot from another Variscite board (same revision), so it may be that we were having problems relating to a specific piece of hardware.
When we’ve got some clarity on the problem I’ll update this thread.