Supervisor constantly restarting


One of my devices storage completely filled up due to a storage leak in one of my containers. Along my route debugging I did get the storage emptied, but now my supervisor container is continuously restarting every second and this does not allow for interacting with the device through the dashboard. I can however access the Host OS SSH and rebooted the device there to no avail.

Happy to give Balena staff access if needed to get this fixed.

Thank you!

This is pretty time-sensitive as if we can’t fix it remotely we need to make accommodations to go fix it onsite.

Thank you!

Was able to solve the issue on our own. Make sure to check the supervisor logs with a command like journalctl --no-pager -n 400 -u balena.service and see if the issue is resolvable. In our case, one of our containers was not downloadable (caused by us). Removing the containers with balena container prune fixed this (although this was something we had tried many times earlier).

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Hello @trey thanks for sharing your solution here.

Let us know if we can help you more!

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