supervisor/BalenaEngine crash, device offline

Hi there,

When the supervisor/BalenaEngine is crashing on Balena OS (raspberry pi 3), is it possible that the device is going offline in the Balena dashboard?

My thoughts where that the OpenVPN & networkmanager are responsible for keeping the device online/offline in Balena(dashboard), regardless if the supervisor/BalenaEngine has been crashed or not.


There are 2 checks for the online / offline status:

  • the device is connected to the VPN (this one does not need balenad or the supervisor to be running);
  • heartbeat: the supervisor contacts the api every few minutes.

See Device statuses - Balena Documentation

So if balenad or the supervisor have crashed, your device will appear as “Online (VPN only)”. You should still be able to ssh into it.

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Thanks zvin!