Stuck devices - "tunneling socket could not be established: cause=socket hang up"

Let us know if you would like us to try to run fsck on the /mnt/data partition to try to remotely fix the filesystem corruption issues. It’s not clear that it would be successful, though.

I understand you mentioned that this problem happened in the past and was resolved by replacing the SD card, and that the device is a Raspberry Pi 3. It may be again necessary to replace the SD card, even though I understand this is undesirable because the device is far away. I would therefore point out / recommend a more reliable carrier board for the RPi compute module, like the Balena Fin:

We designed the Balena Fin having in mind this kind of feedback from users. The Fin has on-board 8/16/32/64 GB industrial eMMC which is more reliable than SD cards, plus more robust and flexible power circuitry (6 to 24V range, PoE via HAT) and flexible networking options (dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth, mini PCIe for cellular modems and peripherals, and a SIM card slot). Being a carrier board for the RPi compute module, it has full software compatibility for a smooth transition.

If you try this it will be great.
I have no data to loss.

If this procedure works as expected it will be possible to deploy code again?

@nuno_martins1, I was trying the fsck operation on my own RPi (not yours) without rebooting, but I did not have success:

$ e2fsck -f /dev/disk/by-label/resin-data
e2fsck 1.44.3 (10-July-2018)
/dev/disk/by-label/resin-data is mounted.
e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.

I tried umounting several partitions (on my own RPi, for testing) but it wasn’t any good. However, I understand that balenaOS automatically runs e2fsck on the data partition on boot, so I suggest you reboot the device by running the reboot command (single word) on a host OS command prompt.

I was tried the reboot command before contact the support. It didn’t help. But I can run it again.
I will take a nook on the HW you sugested. and for now prepare onother SDcard.

Thank you for the support

I am experiencing the same error on one of my device, it is online, but when i try to reboot it or open a tunnel connection remotely I get the same error

balena device reboot


BalenaRequestError: Request error: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=socket hang up

I should consider the SD card as corrupted or there’s something else is possible to do some throubleshooting?


OS VERSION:         balenaOS 2.44.0+rev3
DEVICE TYPE:        raspberrypi4-64

(I am a openBalena user)

Hi @pdcastro , I am having same issue with public access to device. Already granted support access. Can you advise? Thank you.