SSH Key management in BalenaCloud

Currently, if a user wants to connect outside of the balenaCloud, it’s a manual process of adding SSH keys to the config.json which:

  1. At scale is impractical to manage
  2. Error prone (yes, can be helped with a copy & then piping it via jq to validate)

Management of the keys would help if it could be done via balenaCloud, even better to have SSH Certificate Authority as this would help the management of the keys for engineers/services.

One aspect that why also is important from our PoV is to have a redundant way how to connect to the device if e.g there is a service outage or the device is only on a local network.

It’s not an official solution to this problem, and it would be great if we could have Balena managed SSH CAs, but this forum post I made earlier this year covers how we’ve deployed an SSH CA to Balena devices: Certificate based authentication for SSH