I’m a developer and I’m completely new with
I’m having an issue exposing the port of a container to the outside.
I deploy my container in the device, which has an exposed port 8443.
I log on the device and I add the port redirection from the device to the container. (as instructed in the FAQs:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 8443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8443
But when I try to access the public webpage, I get no page.
PS: when using docker directly in my PC (using Docker toolbox)
1 - replacing base image: resin/raspberrypi3-alpine-openjdk:openjdk-8-jre for openjdk:8-jre
2 - I can run and access the published webpage using the following command:
docker run -it -d -p 8443:8443 --name sample-site joaocarloscg/container-sample:latest
Am I missing any important step?
Edit: the ports are automatically exposed, the issue was elsewhere. to close/delete