I noticed provisioning a raspberry pi 3 with openbalena took a long time (more than 7 mins). The device logs showed the Supervisor start time is > 5 mins.
Is this normal? I am running openbalena on a vm with 4 cpu cores and the supervisor start time is the same when I assigned 8 or 12 GB of memory to the server. Is there a way to find out what is the bottleneck?
When provisioning with balena cloud, the Supervisor start time is only 7 seconds. There is a huge difference.
I am not aware that this is a problem, but looking at your logs it would seem that on balenaCloud a configuration value is changed before creating the default network… I am wonder if this has something to do with it.
Could you try adding a config variable to your openBalena application, BALENA_SUPERVISOR_POLL_INTERVAL with a value of 900000 to see if the same behaviour is observed?
@pli thank’s for that, I will take a look and see if I can a) replicate it locally, and b) work out why it’s behaving differently - because it really shouldn’t…