Thanks @CameronDiver but I am not using apk anywhere in my docker file. I use apt-get to install the libraries. Below is a portion of my Dockerfile. Can you see anything which might be using the apk.
FROM balenalib/generic-armv7ahf-debian:jessie-build
ENV DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS unix:path=/host/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
I managed to build your Dockerfile fine, but I had to change the quotes around echo "umask" and printf "deb... - I believe these are caused by mac OS. More importantly I could not reproduce and get the same error that you are. Do you have another Dockerfile in the same directory, or are you executing in the correct place for example? Can you show me the command that you are using the build this image?
@CameronDiver I am also able to build the image when I push my repo to balena online. (If you did that)
I have only one dockerfile in the current directory from where I am running the below command and trying to build it on my local machine as described in the balena build documentation
I have confirmed this issue locally and tracked it down to some changes released in 11.7.0. If you can downgrade your CLI to 11.6.1, you should be able to build successfully. I have opened an issue for it as well and we will let you know once it has been fixed.