Remove Wifi Config to Test wifi-connect

This may be a dumb question, but how can I remove the WiFi configuration on a device in order to test wifi-connect?

I was able to remove the configured WiFi connections using nmcli from the host:

    Welcome to balenaOS
root@1c72c55:~# nmcli connection show
NAME           UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE      
resin-wifi-01  a58e405d-fdc2-3649-9339-5bbaea740c76  wifi    wlan0       
supervisor0    148fdda7-787a-4d7e-a703-9bbd812bd675  bridge  supervisor0 
WiFi Connect   34952175-9e72-45b0-9d41-093c096ee711  wifi    --          
resin-wifi-01  682b6dfc-da11-3857-8c44-4d9bd2c84070  wifi    --          
root@1c72c55:~# nmcli connection delete 682b6dfc-da11-3857-8c44-4d9bd2c84070
Connection 'resin-wifi-01' (682b6dfc-da11-3857-8c44-4d9bd2c84070) successfully deleted.
root@1c72c55:~# nmcli connection delete a58e405d-fdc2-3649-9339-5bbaea740c76
Connection 'resin-wifi-01' (a58e405d-fdc2-3649-9339-5bbaea740c76) successfully deleted.

(Network disconnects and the WiFi Connect captive auth enabled SSID appears, and I run through that process.)

    Welcome to balenaOS
root@1c72c55:~# nmcli connection show
NAME         UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE      
LevelUp      a7785136-3dba-4697-891c-fc3d9ad2a89c  wifi    wlan0       
supervisor0  148fdda7-787a-4d7e-a703-9bbd812bd675  bridge  supervisor0 

If I reboot the device, the new connection is still present and the connections originally configured on the SD card come back (the resin-wifi-01 connections):

    Welcome to balenaOS
root@1c72c55:~# nmcli connection show
NAME           UUID                                  TYPE    DEVICE      
LevelUp        a7785136-3dba-4697-891c-fc3d9ad2a89c  wifi    wlan0       
supervisor0    88d91f3c-5bd6-451b-8c24-f10fdb79fc18  bridge  supervisor0 
resin-wifi-01  682b6dfc-da11-3857-8c44-4d9bd2c84070  wifi    --          
resin-wifi-01  a58e405d-fdc2-3649-9339-5bbaea740c76  wifi    --          

This is pretty good for testing WiFi Connect, since a reboot corrects and issues I may cause. :slight_smile: