No problem. Thanks for letting me know. we should probably set that as a default in the project
I have the same video problem and for me its related to “buster” system image for raspberry pi 4. If I use stretch the output for chromium works, with buster it´s not working. I tried it with chromium in X11. Same Behavior: cursor is okay but the rest is broken
Hi @danielboe,
Just to check, do other X11 apps work correctly using our x11-window-manager
project or is it just Chromium?
The complete window manager stays black on buster (the only change). The picture is made from chromium (not running in your special repo). But I think the root of the problem could be the same.
Hi, can you please check the same with an updated latest Raspbian installation? That would help in differentiating whether the issue is with the kernel/drivers or something is missing on our side.
I will try this and report you back later, good idea!
Excellent, please keep us updated.