Could you please share more details on how are you flashing your device? What OS version are you trying to flash? What are you running in your host computer?
I’m not sure what you mean by “What are you running in your host computer?”
Here is how I’m downloading the newest version:
# Get the latest image version from the balena API
LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION=$(balena os versions iot-gate-imx8plus | head -n 1)
echo "Latest image version: $LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION"
# Create a directory to store the images if it does not exist
if [ ! -d "images" ]; then
mkdir images
# Check if the image is already downloaded
if [ -f "./images/$LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION.img" ]; then
echo "Image already downloaded, copying to current directory"
cp "./images/$LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION.img" . &
# Download the latest image
echo "Downloading image: $LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION"
balena os download iot-gate-imx8plus-d1d8 -o ./images/$LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION.img --version $LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION
cp "./images/$LATEST_IMAGE_VERSION.img" .
) &
It appears that you are trying to flash a Compulab IOT-GATE-iMX8PLUS 1G-8G DRAM image on a IOT-DIN-D1D8 device. Could you please check if flashing the “Compulab IOTDIN-iMX8P 1G-8G DRAM” OS image triggers the same error?
Now that the solution is merged into the os image, how long will it take to show up when querying os versions? I’ve noticed that the github releases page has releases all the way up to v6.1.0+rev28 whereas the latest version accessible from the cli is v6.1.0+rev7.
@kirwinr the new v6.3.11 images in balena-cloud include the changes that Compulab kindly provided. Let us know if the issue is still present with this new release