Problem with PiHole

Hey @writeson welcome to the forums! Thanks for giving the Pi-hole project a try.

I have a feeling you might be hitting the same issue as another user. Could you try changing the balenaOS version you’re using? The steps to do this would be:

  • Go into your application on the balenaCloud dashboard
  • Add a new device, this time choose v2.31.5 as your balenaOS version
  • Download and flash your SD card again
  • Boot the device (note you don’t need to push the code or anything again if you’ve already done this)
  • You’ll now have two devices in your application, and should be able to use the newer one successfully.

If you’re still having trouble after this, if you can enable support access for the device and share the link here, one of us will be able to access it and work out what’s going on.

I hope this helps! If it’s the issue I think it might be then this should get you up and running; there are more details on this thread.