Problem deploying to OpenBalena


I’m having a strange problem deploying. I’ve dropped back to trying the example “sense-snake” with #OpenBalena and it’s failing to deploy with this error

ajlennon@ajlennon-spriteguard:/data_drive/ignatia/sense-snake$ balena deploy ignatia-sensor-app-1 --logs --source . --emulated --build
Debug: original argv0="balena" argv=[/home/ajlennon/balena-cli/balena,/snapshot/versioned-source/bin/balena,deploy,ignatia-sensor-app-1,--logs,--source,.,--emulated,--build] length=9
[Debug]   Parsing input...
[Debug]   Loading project...
[Debug]   Resolving project...
[Debug]   Failed to resolve project: 
[Debug]   AggregateError of:
[Debug]       Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/data_drive/ignatia/sense-snake/docker-compose.yml'
[Debug]       Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/data_drive/ignatia/sense-snake/docker-compose.yaml'
[Info]    Creating default composition with source: /data_drive/ignatia/sense-snake
[Debug]   Creating project...
[Info]    Building for armv7hf/raspberrypi3
[Build]   Building services...
[Build]   main Preparing...
[Info]    Emulation is enabled
[Debug]   Found build tasks:
[Debug]       main: build [.]
[Debug]   Resolving services with [raspberrypi3|armv7hf]
[Debug]   Found project types:
[Debug]       main: Dockerfile.template
[Debug]   Prepared tasks; building...
[Build]   Built 1 service in 0 seconds
[Error]   Deploy failed
SecretRemovalError: The command '/bin/sh -c apk update && apk add jq' returned a non-zero code: 1
    at Object.<anonymous> (/snapshot/versioned-source/node_modules/resin-multibuild/build/index.js:122:19)
    at Generator.throw (<anonymous>)
    at rejected (/snapshot/versioned-source/node_modules/resin-multibuild/build/index.js:5:65)

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Any ideas?



OK I see lots of other people have had this problem. I’ve updated to the latest balena-cli release and it’s gone away. Now I seem to have some certificate problem to deal with

[Info]    Pushing images to registry...
Retrying "" after 2.00s (1 of 3) due to: Error: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Retrying "" after 2.80s (2 of 3) due to: Error: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Retrying "" after 3.92s (3 of 3) due to: Error: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
[Debug]   Saving image
[Debug]   Untagging images...
[Info]    Saving release...
[Error]   Deploy failed

My bad again. Needed to add the ca.crt to the certificate store and then restart docker.

Seems ok now :slight_smile:

Glad to hear you sorted it out :slight_smile:

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