For my project, I’d like to know which pins on the Fin are powered and which aren’t when the Pi is switched off by the coprocessor. I couldn’t find a list of these anywhere, but from the datasheet and schematics I think that the following is true:
- EXP 3V3 is powered
- HAT 5V is powered
- HAT 3V3 is NOT powered
- mPCIe is NOT powered
- USB is NOT powered (both the header and the ports)
Can anyone confirm?
Hi Marten,
Let me get in touch with our FIN engineers to confirm this 100%, but from my point of view your list looks good.
Kind regards,
Hi @martenjacobs that is correct:
- Only the the 5V pins (pins 2 and 4) on the compute module header (HAT) are powered
- All the pins on the coprocessor header are powered
- mPCIe and USB are not powered.
OK, so that would mean the 5V HAT pins are not powered either? From what I see in the schematics the 5V is powered directly from U27, so I’d say they would stay powered. Or am I missing something?
@martenjacobs, sorry for the confusion, the 5V in the HAT header is powered. I edited my previous message.