I’m having issues getting node package pigpio (which is a wrapper for pigpio in C) (I’m using the package to access GPIO pins) to run in a default Docker container running default resinOS resin/raspberrypi3-node (Pigpio GitHub issue here, Resin.io GitHub issue here).
FROM resin/raspberrypi3-node
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends pigpio
RUN npm install pigpio
From running docker ( docker run -it name /bin/bash
and then sudo pigpiod
at shell as root - pigpiod is pigpio daemon):
2018-09-06 19:55:38 initCheckPermitted:
|Sorry, you don't have permission to run this program. |
|Try running as root, e.g. precede the command with sudo. |
root@1bd67dc5c6e4:/# Can't initialise pigpio library
I’m already running as root, and using sudo. I’ve tried changing docker run permissions ( --privileged
and --cap-add=ALL
) and I get the same result. Same error running the daemon as if I try to use the pigpio node package in a script.