I’m attempting to create a local hotspot using the built-in WLAN0 interface of a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W using Network Manager.
I have tried the following commands through the host terminal:
nmcli c add type wifi ifname hotspot con-name hotspot autoconnect no ssid hotspot
nmcli connection modify hotspot 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
nmcli connection modify hotspot wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
nmcli connection modify hotspot wifi-sec.psk "Passw0rd"
nmcli connection up hotspot
But face this error:
Connection 'Hotspot' is not available on device wlan0 because profile is not compatible with device (the device does not support Access Point mode)
Worth noting - I have tested the Balena Blocks WiFi connect and this functions perfectly fine, is able to create a hotspot and accept credentials before connecting normally.