I have been running Pi-Hole successfully now for some time, but recently noticed the blocked domain list was minus 2 domains.
I saved and updated the gravity list of domains but still the system does not reflect the captured domains.
I have otherwise been unable to find anything helpful in understanding this problem.
Current installation:
Pi-hole Version v4.4 (Update available!)
Web Interface Version v4.3.3 (Update available!)
FTL Version vDev (development, vDev-7dea0f0)
n.b. I updated the balena-pihole release today using https://github.com/klutchell/balena-pihole and the “Deploy with Balena” method but the UI still displays the old version. A separate issue, but thought to mention it here.
Hey @n1md4, can you confirm that you are using Raspberry Pi Zero? If so, this platform is not officially supported by the Pi-Hole docker images and the -2 Domains in blocklist is a known issue.
Follow this issue for more details:
If an official Pi-Hole image is ever released for armhf we will add it to the balena-pihole repo as soon as possible!
Hi @n1md4, I would say this is pi-hole problem not Docker or Balena.
In this Github issue https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/pull/506, there are people using the pihole/pihole:v4.4-armel for pi zero without any problem, if you are fine with Pi-hole 4 then you can give it a try.