Npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file


Apologies, the link I posted as my second comment gave me the fix;

RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache clean && rm -rf /tmp/*

RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

New Docker file;

    # base-image for node on any machine using a template variable,
    # see more about dockerfile templates here:
    # and about resin base images here:
    # Note the node:slim image doesn't have node-gyp
    FROM resin/%%RESIN_MACHINE_NAME%%-node:slim

    # use apt-get if you need to install dependencies,
    # for instance if you need ALSA sound utils, just uncomment the lines below.
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq \
        python-motephat curl && \
        apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

    # Defines our working directory in container
    WORKDIR /usr/src/app

    # Copies the package.json first for better cache on later pushes
    COPY package.json package.json

    # This install npm dependencies on the build server,
    # making sure to clean up the artifacts it creates in order to reduce the image size.
    RUN JOBS=MAX npm install --production --unsafe-perm && npm cache verify && rm -rf /tmp/*

    # This will copy all files in our root to the working  directory in the container
    COPY . ./

    # Enable systemd init system in container

    # server.js will run when container starts up on the device
    CMD ["python", ""]

I’m still receiving the following notice in the build log;
e[34m[Build] e[39m e[91mnpme[0me[91m e[0me[91mnoticee[0me[91m created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
