Mixed-architecture fleets (and apps)

Currently a fleet allows multiple device types that share the same architecture to join. Implement a means to allow devices of mixed architecture to exist in a single fleet.

Kyle Harding: Multi-architecture support is going to start with the development flow, and we are actively planning how we will allow pushing multi-arch releases to new and existing fleets without breaking existing device-specific functionality. We hope to have more to share soon!

Kyle Harding: This request is long overdue for an update, not because we haven’t been brainstorming and diagraming our way through all the details, but because we agreed that multi-arch applications are much more valuable after we release installable apps (or multi-app fleets as it is also called).

Here is the roadmap item: https://roadmap.balena.io/posts/7/enable-apps-single-and-multiple-to-be-installed-on-a-fleet-multi-app

So this feature has been parked while we update the backend to support mixed device-type fleets that run releases of installed apps. Only then do we see the combinatorial explosion of potential when enabling multi-arch releases of apps!

Laura (balena)

As mentioned here Enable apps (single and multiple) to be installed on a fleet (multi-app), this is a big piece of work that’s going to require significant planning. At the moment, we would rather dedicate time to shipping smaller pieces of work that we know have value to our users. So for now this is not being actively worked on.