LTE and Ethernet status query inside container

I am using a balenaFin 1.1 board. I have a Quectel EC25 LTE modem. The modem is working properly, and my default traffic goes out the ethernet port. If I do a speedtest with and without ethernet connected it is quite obvious which interface is being used. When I disconnect my ethernet it takes about 60 seconds to fall back to LTE and the device comes back on line. When I reconnect the ethernet it takes about 60 seconds for it to start using ethernet instead of LTE. So I am happy with this thus far. Is there a way from inside the container to know that ethernet network is down and it is using LTE. For my application the LTE is just a back up. I would like to send an alert when it is operating just on LTE. What command would I do at the command line inside the container to get the status? Thanks

Hey @chetferry

If I was trying to tackle this problem, I think the way that I would go about it is to add the dbus socket into your container (documented here: and use that to query the network manager status (documented here: There’s also likely a library already created for your language of choice.

I cannot seem to access dbus. I am trying out some of the example commands. Here is what happens when I try one out:

root@08deac0:/# DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/host/run/dbus/system_bus_socket \

bash: dbus-send: command not found

Here is how I build my container:

FROM balenalib/%%BALENA_MACHINE_NAME%%-debian:stretch


#cross compile locally for raspberry pi compute module then copy the executable
COPY /app/hangar ./

COPY /app/redis.conf ./

COPY /app/ ./

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq
python3 python3-pip minicom screen redis-server

RUN pip3 install speedtest-cli

CMD [“bash”, “/”]

Is there something I am missing in my container build? Thanks.

That looks to me like you need to install the dbus-send command, from the dbus package.

How do I do that?

You can add dbus to the end of the command:

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq
python3 python3-pip minicom screen redis-server


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yq
python3 python3-pip minicom screen redis-server dbus

OK, I added dbus as you showed me and now when I run the command I get this:

root@08deac0:/# DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/host/run/dbus/system_bus_socket \

method return time=1571345764.049785 sender=:1.27 → destination=:1.26 serial=4 reply_serial=2
array [
dict entry(
string “Timezone”
variant string “”
dict entry(
string “LocalRTC”
variant boolean false
dict entry(
string “CanNTP”
variant boolean false
dict entry(
string “NTP”
variant boolean false
dict entry(
string “NTPSynchronized”
variant boolean true
dict entry(
string “TimeUSec”
variant uint64 1571345764048134
dict entry(
string “RTCTimeUSec”
variant uint64 1571345764000000

Now I just need to figure out the magic commands for the network manager.

You should be able to find a higher level library to work with the dbus api in your language of choice, for example we have produced such a library for node:

I found this link:

and it gives some examples of how to use dbus to get interface info. This seems a bit painful to me.

After pondering what I am trying to accomplish. A simple query of ifconfig seems to be much simpler. When I pull the ethernet and do the ifconfig at the command line the inet address goes away on ethernet. So its pretty easy to see that event I just need to parse the output of the ifconfig command.

The LTE modem is a bit trickier. If I reboot the device with the antennas disconnected the wwan0 interface (LTE modem) is not present when I do ifconfig. But if I pull the antennas after the LTE modem has connected the wwan0 is persistant even thought I am pretty certain the LTE connection is down. So I guess I have what I am really after and that is to know if ethernet is down. I will have to dig some more to figure out if LTE is down.

I will look into a less painful interface to dbus as you suggested also.