Hello everybody, I’d like to ask you something about losing data. I make an external hard disc bootable with Balena Etcher. So in this external disc, I had data about music mp3s andor videos … Is it impossible to open and use again these files cause now the external hard disc is bootable. thank you.
Hello @nagualdos, I moved this thread to balenaEtcher as it seems like an Etcher specific topic. So it sounds like you accidentally formatted that external disk : /
balenaEtcher flashes an image byte-to-byte, so you should avoid flashing on drives that contain data that you want to keep instead. I believe there are warnings about it in Etcher. You could try recovering the previous files with a recovery tool. Hope you could save your data.
Τhanks a lot for your answer I was trying before with recovery tool but nothing starting to recover it. so I’m asking if it is possible exist another way to to save my data. Thanks a lot again.
Hi @nagualdos, we don’t have any other suggestions I am afraid other than using a recovery tool to attempt to recover the data. There is a similar discussion here https://github.com/balena-io/etcher/issues/2378.
Ηi @garethtdavies Thanks!!! for your answer … Now I’m trying another recovery software (I will try some before) seems like goes better I wish to make me happy again. Thanks again I check right now the discussion who suggest to me !!!
Good luck! I hope you are able to recover your files. If you have success with a certain tool could you let us know which you used?
@garethtdavies Υes of course! Thanks.
Hi ! Wondershare Data Recovery (Recoverit) named the software I used for recovery . (https://recoverit.wondershare.net/ad/data-recovery.html?gclid=CjwKCAiA98TxBRBtEiwAVRLqu2AWX52FxI9K0C_mdXvPCi_jBo_4-uVSxpBnbmVy6tZTIn61FcWXQxoC70UQAvD_BwE ) I use it with windows 10 . scan and found all of my files I use a trial version ready for recover . Totally i haven’t done recovery cause I must pay for pro version . But anyone recovery software tools I used, just scan my disc and nothing discover in my external disc . So I must pay for pro and I refresh my news about it .