I cant flash my iso file onto my usb

When i press flash to flash my os(zorin os 16 core).iso into my usb it gives me the error "Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupt

The elevated process died unexpectedly"

I just first bought and used my usb today (it is 2.0 and 32gb)

Checksum the Zorin os 16 core image file that you have downloaded. md5 or sha256sum will create a checksum number for that file. If the checksums match then the files are the same. If different checksums, then files are different and one might be corrupted.

Zorin OS 16 Core 64-bit 69e1be7e078c401e7991fff2e8a5f854ed04ebaba7a1b98a74d552644aa9f523



When i press flash to flash my os(zorin os 16 core).iso into my usb it gives me the error "Something went wrong. If it is a compressed image, please check that the archive is not corrupt

The elevated process died unexpectedly"

I just first bought and used my usb today (it is 2.0 and 32gb)

Compressed image is like a file.xz or file.tar.gz


md5 Zorin-OS-16-Core-64-bit-r4.iso
sha256sum Zorin-OS-16-Core-64-bit-r4.iso

How did you download the ZorinOS Core 16 file?
Linux uses commands curl or wget
Windows, use something other than a browser to download. a FTP client of some kind.

wget -c

Hey @zorbo, did you have any luck getting your ISO flashed? Did re-downloading the image help?

I’m just joining to inform you guy’s about a little discovery… I tried 9 USB flash drives while trying to flash Ubuntu iso. to it. Kept getting flash failed messages… finally i gave up on etcher and went back to Rufus and lookie here… no sooner did Rufus start than it brought up a message indicating that the iso (from Ubuntu’s web site) had 2 files missing!! What??.. so Rufus offered to auto download them and include them so obviously I left it do its thing. When it was done the flash worked great. I only mention this for obvious reasons, if files were missing from the iso, then etcher may not know that and will just keep failing… thanks

That seems odd…Either your original download was incomplete / partial, and your checksum would not matched their checksum (you don’t want to flash and boot in that scenario - there could be malicious interference; or less severe the image just won’t flash or boot, as you discovered) … or Ubuntu themselves need to re-check what they have hosted on their download servers. Either way, interesting find!