How to Install on Mint

How on earth do I install Etcher. I’m using Mint 22 and usually install via deb file.

I downloaded Linux version but get a load of files I don’t understand.

The deb d/l link brings me to a website with lots of other files.

Is there a simple single .deb file i can download and then install on Mint?

I would like to reiterate the above request. I’ve spent 3 hours trying to get the Appimage to run. But I see support are not supportive - the above request for help has been ignored for months. So I won’t bother asking.
When I first got Linux , several years ago, I recall the techie complained bitterly about the needless grief he went thru to make a bootable image. Now I know what he was complaining about.
There are three choices. dd aka Destroy Disk , something described as overly complex for a beginner and Etcher - which all too often can’t be installed. How do I know this? Because no one -that I can find - has been able to write simple, clear instructions.
Even here , on this site, the down load links didn’t showup {in Waterfox running on Linux Mint 20.3 Una).
Small wonder Linux is losing popularity when Newbies can’t install it. Its like some psychopath said 'Let thousands of volunteers do great work. But the gatekeepers will make it so hard for Newbies to install that they’ll give up before they can even try it."
Much like this web site. Its so complex its barely usable (typing this comment has been torture. Congratulations on making a website that almost breaks Waterfox.)

I wager ‘support’ either attacks me for my ‘attitude’ or makes excuses or -most likely - ignores this question and thus the whole issue of the failure of this software to be usable by newbies to Linux.
AND FAILS to provide an answer eg a couple of lines of command code that will actually work.

Hello @bertrum,
According to the Etcher releases page listed in the documentation: Release v1.19.25 · balena-io/etcher · GitHub, the latest version is v1.19.25

From this page, I was able to find the .deb package that you can download for Linux Mint, here’s the direct link:

Here are the instructions to install balenaEtcher on Debian/Ubuntu, these instructions should work for Linux Mint as well: GitHub - balena-io/etcher at v1.19.25

Hope this helps!

you are a scholar and gentleman.
In the difficult situation in which I find myself there is no greater praise than
‘your instructions worked’.
Thank you.

I see you are on the Balena Team. Thank you for responding to my query.
May I bring to your attention the difficulties I experienced before I had your advice.
Over several days I spent over 12 hours trying to find installation software other than balena’s, trying to figure out how to make yours work and seeking clear, simple instructions suitable for a newbie.
Instead I found things like ‘Make the AppImage executable’ and nowhere could I find instructions on how to do that. I was staggered that some thing so basic as installing Mint was so poorly documented. I had hoped to install it along side Windows to make my new PC dual bootable. Hah, way too complex and dangerous even with the best instructions I could find on how to do that.
Might I suggest that Balena has a great piece of software. Perhaps your team could try making it more accessible? Perhaps a web page on your own site explaining how to install it? Complete with the command line commands?
Mint is such a great OS that its a shame it is so hard to find out how to install it. Much like your program.
Maybe, one day, your program could be bundled with the downloadable ISO image with instructions suitable for newbies?