Is there any GPIO library / demo app interacting with GPIO on jetson nano or jetson or any leads on how to achieve this ?
Hello @yyogeshwar , have you tried ?
I have been using the package proposed by @zvin with nano. Overall it works very well. But I do find one problem regarding debouncing when adding a callback to input event. Instead of performing debouncing as it’s supposed to, when debouncing is triggered, the GPIO is blocked and will not respond anymore. I’m not sure if I set something wrong on nano or there’s a bug in the package for nano. I haven’t got the time to file an issue in the repo so I just share my experience here. Maybe you would have similar problem.
@gixel In case you don’t mind , can you share your Docker file if you setup above library using docker
Sorry I forgot to mention that I was using the package with the official image from Nvidia. I haven’t test it under Balena. If I ever used it under Balena, I would let you know.