i have an intel nuc that i can test it on, i’ll wait for your image.
Our modified image can be downloaded with the following link: https://dlil75308rlem.cloudfront.net/images/wadsworth-image-stripped-x86_64-20221109.img.xz
A different scenario happened with this modified image. Instead of giving us an error when selecting a source file, this time the etcher pro allowed us to select this file as a source. After I hit flash, it starts up at 0% with an estimated time of 32 min and then freezes. After a short while of being stuck, the screen returns back to the main screen without a source file selected. I have tried this 3 times all with the same results.
We’ve done extensive testing on this image, and found the following: when trying to write from this .img.xz file directly, flashing fails, the diagnostics show that the device runs out of RAM and swap space, since it’s trying to extract the entire file before flashing it. However, flashing from .img works without issues. Notably, if the image is compressed into a .zip or .gz file, EtcherPro can handle it without issues.
I can see that the original image is about 16gb in size, unfortunately that means it would be impossible to flash this image on EtcherPro at this time. It’s related to a known issue in Etcher application. Once the issue in Etcher is addressed, EtcherPro will receive that update. I know this isn’t the answer you hoped for, but rest assured we’re working on it.
What is the timeline for these issues to be fixed and an update to be pushed out?
We are trying to get it solved as soon as possible, but we can’t provide a timeline, since Etcher is an open source project. I understand it’s not ideal, but as I mentioned, there is a workaround (using a different image/archive format) for the time being.
You can email store@balena.io
I hope this post will motivate you to check back on your device. We experienced similar issues with the EtcherPro in our production line. The hardware problems and outdated software release caused delays, but we were eventually able to resolve the issues and everything is now working as expected. Just wanted to share our experience and offer some encouragement.