RTC battery (fresh, measured 3.24V) placed in its socket
flashed Raspbian Stretch (using Balena Etcher)
I2C activated in raspi-config -> Interfacing Options -> I2C
last line of /boot/config.txt is “dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds1307”
However, the output of “sudo i2cdetect -y 1” still shows that there is no I2C device.
Other I2C devices (for example an ADS1115 a/d-converter) are seen by i2cdetect (after connected to the I2C pins), so I guess the I2C bus itself is working.
I also tried flashing the following operating systems and got the same result:
Raspbian Jessie
Raspbian Buster
Raspbian (balena version from https://www.balena.io/fin/1.1/docs/downloads/)
Am I missing something?
Is there any way to tell if the RTC module is working/broken?
Hi and welcome to the forums!
You could try using the timedatectl utility: if that shows the RTC output, then RTC is working.
More info on that here
Tell us if this solves your issue or if you need anything else!
the ouput of timedatectl on Raspbian Stretch says RTC time: n/a.
If I flash the balena-preconfigured Raspbian, timedatectl says RTC time: Wed 2019-07-17 05:17:47.
The command i2cdetect -y 1 still indicates that no I2C device is found, but the RTC seems to work.
This would mean that some configuration step is missing on Raspbian Stretch apart from these:
I2C activated in raspi-config -> Interfacing Options -> I2C
last line of /boot/config.txt is “dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds1307”
Adding “dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds1307” does not load the module “rtc_ds1307”. Without that, “timedatectl” does not give an RTC output. I had to load the module explicitly in /etc/modules
Thanks for the hint with timedatectl, that led me on the right track.