I have a multicontainer application to be deployed to edge devices.
One container(service) is pretty fat(~3GB image size) so I’d like to do the following:
Don’t deploy the fat one, but deploy a lightweight service.
If the network speed on edge device is enough to download the fat one(checked inside the lightweight one), download it and start it.
Is this doable?
I have checked balena supervisor API doc, but seems impossible?
May 25, 2022, 12:28pm
Hello @scarlyon
Maybe you can have 2 releases (1 with the light service and 1 with the fat service) and then decide what release you want to run on each device? Does it make sense for you?
Hi, @mpous
This sounds very interesting… However, how can we deploy a certain release to a certain device?
Does the balena-sdk support this feature?
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Hi there, you can deploy a release to a certain device by “pinning” the device to that release. This can be done via the sdk as so:
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Thanks for your advice! Will give it a try and get back to you!
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