In the doumentation at I saw we can disable HDMI for power saving purposes.
We would like to disable both that and USB for security reasons (i.e. prevent people from using a dashboard for logging in locally, plug in rogue devices etc.).
Is this possible (without disabling other hardware, such as network/wifi interfaces)?
Me too, I’am interested in it.
Don’t know if PPPS would be a solution for you. That is using something like to disable power USB ports. Don’t even know if PPPS would work on the balenaFin.
We ended up abusing the 3D case design that Balena published
We bought a case, printed out a new middle layer with the USB and HDMI ports closed off and that worked just fine for our use case!
PPPS is supported by the Fin and I can confirm that uhubctl works (at least with the CM3L). Of course the old-fashioned way of removing physical access always helps
Here’s a simple Dockerfile that will install uhubctl -
FROM balenalib/raspberrypi3-debian-python:3.8.2
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
RUN install_packages uhubctl
COPY *.sh ./
CMD ["./"]
I ran the commands in my over a shell to show them with the output -
root@01d925a:/usr/src/app# uhubctl
Current status for hub 1-1 [0424:9514, USB 2.00, 5 ports]
Port 1: 0503 power highspeed enable connect [0424:ec00]
Port 2: 0100 power
Port 3: 0100 power
Port 4: 0103 power enable connect [0a12:0001]
Port 5: 0503 power highspeed enable connect [0781:5567]
root@01d925a:/usr/src/app# uhubctl -p 1 -a 0
Current status for hub 1-1 [0424:9514, USB 2.00, 5 ports]
Port 1: 0503 power highspeed enable connect [0424:ec00]
Sent power off request
New status for hub 1-1 [0424:9514, USB 2.00, 5 ports]
Port 1: 0000 off
root@01d925a:/usr/src/app# uhubctl
Current status for hub 1-1 [0424:9514, USB 2.00, 5 ports]
Port 1: 0000 off
Port 2: 0100 power
Port 3: 0100 power
Port 4: 0103 power enable connect [0a12:0001]
Port 5: 0503 power highspeed enable connect [0781:5567]