I used to be able to search in the Devices page using a short-form UUID. Now the “search entries…” field has completely stopped working. No filtering occurs no matter what I put in this field. Is anyone else encountering this?
Hey, thanks for the report, this is a known issue and we’re working on a fix currently. You can track this issue here: https://github.com/balena-io-modules/rendition/issues/1090
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Hi, just to let you know that this issue has already been resolved.
Cool. It’s still not working for me, so is it still rolling out?
Aha, sorry about that, you are correct. It does seem to be working for me now, so, it may have taken a while to roll out, and, you may need to refresh your browser to load these changes. Thanks.
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Looks like it’s working for me now, thanks a lot everyone
Excellent, glad to hear!