copy balena envs fleets

Hi guys, I think it would be interesting to improve my solution: GitHub - MiroYld/balena-copy-envs: copy your environment variables from fleet a to fleet b and deploy this feature on the balena interface, i would also like the balena cli allows us to copy a variable to a fleet for a specific service and for a specific device. What do you think of this feature?

Vipul Gupta: Thanks for posting this. Sometime back, I had a similar case for cloning complete fleets in order to build staging envs for my devices. I came up with a very similar utility just like yours which was balenaClone: balenaclone - npm

A generalized way of doing this from the dashboard would be if the dashboard could allow for JSON import and exports of the configuration to make copying/cloning configurations from one fleet to another easy.

Indeed, it could be interesting to add this feature, which could allow us to duplicate development environments without necessarily rewriting everything, especially in cases where we have hundreds of environment variables. Is it possible to create an environment variable for a fleet specifying the service name, without necessarily having the service deployed in the fleet?