I have tried an older version (= version 1.6) of the influxdb container:
so my content of the docker-compose.yml looks like:
#build: influxdb
image: arm32v7/influxdb:1.6
container_name: influxdb
# privileged added so usb drive can be mounted.
#privileged: true
# take care that the mount location "/mnt/influxdb" becomes overwritten
# by the mount location specified in the influxdb Dockerfile.
# - 'influxdb-data:/mnt/influxdb'
# The API for InfluxDB is served on port 8086
- "8086:8086"
- "8082:8082"
# UDP Port
- "8089:8089"
#restart: always
this influxdb version is logging more info but has same problem (it looks like a signal is send to this container to shut it down).
24.12.18 11:08:30 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:30.657757Z info Listening for signals {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.208433Z info Signal received, initializing clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.208682Z info Waiting for clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.209121Z info Listener closed {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "snapshot"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.209603Z info Shutting down monitor service {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "monitor"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.209782Z info Terminating precreation service {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "shard-precreation"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.209883Z info Terminating continuous query service {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "continuous_querier"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.210221Z info Closing retention policy enforcement service {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "retention"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.210494Z info Closed service {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000", "service": "subscriber"}
24.12.18 11:08:31 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:31.210864Z info Server shutdown completed {"log_id": "0CZvqRGl000"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 .d888 888 8888888b. 888888b.
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 d88P" 888 888 "Y88b 888 "88b
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 .88P
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 88888b. 888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888K.
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 "Y88b
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 X88K 888 888 888 888
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 .d8""8b. 888 .d88P 888 d88P
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 8888888P" 8888888P"
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.318273Z info InfluxDB starting {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "version": "1.6.4", "branch": "1.6", "commit": "a2ba6e7654fb078f8a3f5add1f8d935df38161bd"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.318515Z info Go runtime {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "version": "go1.10.3", "maxprocs": 4}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.432304Z info Using data dir {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "store", "path": "/var/lib/influxdb/data"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.433873Z info Compaction settings {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "store", "max_concurrent_compactions": 2, "throughput_bytes_per_second": 50331648, "throughput_burst_bytes": 50331648}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.434139Z info Open store (start) {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "store", "trace_id": "0CZvqv8W000", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "start"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.434554Z info Open store (end) {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "store", "trace_id": "0CZvqv8W000", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "end", "op_elapsed": "0.427ms"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.435561Z info Opened service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "subscriber"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.435768Z info Starting monitor service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.435888Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor", "name": "build"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.435998Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor", "name": "runtime"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.436112Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor", "name": "network"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.436251Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor", "name": "system"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.436645Z info Starting precreation service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "shard-precreation", "check_interval": "10m", "advance_period": "30m"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.436808Z info Starting snapshot service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "snapshot"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.436913Z info Starting continuous query service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "continuous_querier"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.437142Z info Starting HTTP service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "httpd", "authentication": false}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.437259Z info opened HTTP access log{"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "httpd", "path": "stderr"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.437686Z info Listening on HTTP {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "httpd", "addr": "[::]:8086", "https": false}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.437960Z info Starting retention policy enforcement service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "retention", "check_interval": "30m"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.439571Z info Listening for signals {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.439159Z info Sending usage statistics to usage.influxdata.com {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000"}
24.12.18 11:08:38 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:38.439560Z info Storing statistics {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor", "db_instance": "_internal", "db_rp": "monitor", "interval": "10s"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.148281Z info Signal received, initializing clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.148623Z info Waiting for clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.148957Z info Listener closed {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "snapshot"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149099Z info Shutting down monitor service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "monitor"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149195Z info Terminating precreation service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "shard-precreation"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149301Z info Terminating continuousquery service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "continuous_querier"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149542Z info Closing retention policy enforcement service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "retention"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149830Z info Closed service {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000", "service": "subscriber"}
24.12.18 11:08:39 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:39.149995Z info Server shutdown completed {"log_id": "0CZvqugG000"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 .d888 888 8888888b. 888888b.
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 d88P" 888 888 "Y88b 888 "88b
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 .88P
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 88888b. 888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888K.
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 "Y88b
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 X88K 888 888 888 888
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 .d8""8b. 888 .d88P 888 d88P
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 8888888P" 8888888P"
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.604850Z info InfluxDB starting {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "version": "1.6.4", "branch": "1.6", "commit": "a2ba6e7654fb078f8a3f5add1f8d935df38161bd"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.605065Z info Go runtime {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "version": "go1.10.3", "maxprocs": 4}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.718268Z info Using data dir {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "store", "path": "/var/lib/influxdb/data"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.719295Z info Compaction settings {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "store", "max_concurrent_compactions": 2, "throughput_bytes_per_second": 50331648, "throughput_burst_bytes": 50331648}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.719500Z info Open store (start) {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "store", "trace_id": "0CZvrQVl000", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "start"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.720466Z info Open store (end) {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "store", "trace_id": "0CZvrQVl000", "op_name": "tsdb_open", "op_event": "end", "op_elapsed": "0.982ms"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.721676Z info Opened service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "subscriber"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.721782Z info Starting monitor service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.722558Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor", "name": "build"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.722659Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor", "name": "runtime"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.723676Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor", "name": "network"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.723800Z info Registered diagnosticsclient {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor", "name": "system"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.725241Z info Starting precreation service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "shard-precreation", "check_interval": "10m", "advance_period": "30m"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.725503Z info Starting snapshot service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "snapshot"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.725597Z info Starting continuous query service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "continuous_querier"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.725836Z info Starting HTTP service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "httpd", "authentication": false}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.725919Z info opened HTTP access log{"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "httpd", "path": "stderr"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.727122Z info Storing statistics {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor", "db_instance": "_internal", "db_rp": "monitor", "interval": "10s"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.726458Z info Listening on HTTP {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "httpd", "addr": "[::]:8086", "https": false}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.727764Z info Starting retention policy enforcement service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "retention", "check_interval": "30m"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.728677Z info Listening for signals {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000"}
24.12.18 11:08:46 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:46.729431Z info Sending usage statistics to usage.influxdata.com {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.349773Z info Signal received, initializing clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350008Z info Waiting for clean shutdown... {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350300Z info Shutting down monitor service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "monitor"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350362Z info Listener closed {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "snapshot"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350476Z info Terminating precreation service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "shard-precreation"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350574Z info Terminating continuousquery service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "continuous_querier"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.350784Z info Closing retention policy enforcement service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "retention"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.351037Z info Closed service {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000", "service": "subscriber"}
24.12.18 11:08:47 (+0100) influxdb 2018-12-24T10:08:47.351184Z info Server shutdown completed {"log_id": "0CZvrQ30000"}
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 .d888 888 8888888b. 888888b.
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 d88P" 888 888 "Y88b 888 "88b
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 .88P
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 88888b. 888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888K.
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 "Y88b
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 X88K 888 888 888 888
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 .d8""8b. 888 .d88P 888 d88P
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb 8888888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 8888888P" 8888888P"
24.12.18 11:08:54 (+0100) influxdb