I am using Open Balena 3.1.0 and CLI 12.26.1.
I am trying to execute the following command
balena config generate --version 2.53.9+rev1 --network ethernet --appUpdatePollInterval 360 --app orange-pi-zero --output config.json --debug
But I get the following error:
[debug] new argv=[/usr/local/lib/balena-cli/bin/node,/usr/local/lib/balena-cli/bin/run,config:generate,–version,2.53.9+rev1,–network,ethernet,–appUpdatePollInterval,360,–app,orange-pi-zero,–output,config.json] length=13
Cannot read property ‘__id’ of undefinedTypeError: Cannot read property ‘__id’ of undefined
at generateDeviceConfig (/usr/local/lib/balena-cli/build/utils/config.js:35:64)
at ConfigGenerateCmd.run (/usr/local/lib/balena-cli/build/commands/config/generate.js:68:28)Additional information may be available with the
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I can confirm I am logged in to the Open Balena server by doing balena whoami, The app exists, but at the moment doesn’t have anything deployed to it.