Cannot create an application for an UP squared board

Output of uname -a:

Linux cb0063b 4.14.120-yocto-standard #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jul 31 19:56:02 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I have also attached I2C and KERNEL options that I found with grep in /proc/config.gz and the output of lsmod. See:

Furthermore I tested a different i2c device and found that that device does work. However, I cannot get the IMU (a mpu6050 on a GY-521 board) to work.


Just to wrap this problem up, it was hardware related.
The GY-521 board has on-board pull-ups to its LDO’s 3V3 for I2C. Through them the UP^2’s IO pins powed up the board! Removing these pull-ups fixed the inconsistent supply.
I’m guessing the way UPboard and UP^2 drive their IO pins is different (internal pull-ups maybe?), that is why it was (partially) working with the UP, and not UP^2.

Maybe this will help someone :slight_smile:


Hi. Good to hear that you got to the bottom of it. We can then consider this issue closed.

Just chiming in that the latest release, 2.54.2+rev1 should have the GPIO issue solved