HI there team! I was patiently waiting to hopefully see this issue passively solved itself while the kinks of last weekend were being worked out but now I am thinking it might have to do with my docker-compose.yml file. OR if not can you let me know when you will have it resolved. Here is what is going on:
I have an app and single device that was working great with single container. Over the weekend I split it into a frontend and backend each in their own containers. I made sure to upgrade to latest OS… long story short everything works great. Got both containers talking to each other and the physical product working fine.
My main issue is that when I push changes it uploads and shows up on the releases section for the app I also see it download in the log however neither container updates to the new build unless I physically unplug power to the device, wait 20 seconds, power it up and now it pulls down the latest builds. I am also aware that they will only pull their respective build if that particular container had changes. However this issue is happening even when there is for sure a change. It just won’t update unless hard reboot. Below is the docker-build… perhaps I have something in there OR missing something:
version: ‘2’
build: ./frontend
privileged: true
network_mode: host
- “80”
- “5000”
io.resin.features.supervisor-api: ‘1’
io.resin.features.resin-api: ‘1’
io.resin.update.strategy: download-then-kill
build: ./backend
privileged: true
network_mode: host
- frontend
- “5000”
io.resin.features.supervisor-api: ‘1’
io.resin.features.resin-api: ‘1’
io.resin.update.strategy: download-then-kill
Furthermore I can’t really reboot the devices from the supervisor website window. It just hangs up each time with an error. I know you guys were having VPN issues… could this be part of it?