Bug Open balena PEM phrase

Hello I am trying to install open balena.
I have a rather strange bug which occurs on Debian but not on Raspbian.
To test my development I install both on rapsbian on an rpi4 8gb and on a debian vps.
When I run the quickstart script on raspbian: I have this

sudo ./quickstart -U test@test.testP test -d ob.test.test
==> Creating new configuration at: /home/balena/open-balena/config
==> Bootstrapping easy-rsa...
  - Downloading easy-rsa...
==> Generating root CA certain...
==> Generating root cert chain for haproxy...
==> Generating token auth cert...
==> Generating VPN CA, cert and dhparam (this may take a while)...
==> Setting up environment...
==> Adding default compose file...
==> Success!
  - Start the instance with: ./scripts/compose up -d
  - Stop the instance with: ./scripts/compose stop
  - To create a single, flat, docker-compose.yml file, run:

      ./scripts/compose config > docker-compose.yml

  - Use the following certificate with Balena CLI: /home/balena/open-balena/config/certs/root/ca.crt
    IMPORTANT: You will need to restart your Docker daemon after trusting this certificate to allow your workstation to push images to the registry.

Until then, no worries.

However if I run the same script on Debian, the script becomes interactive:

debian@firat-vm2024:/home/balena/open-balena/scripts$ sudo!!
sudo ./quickstart -U test@test.testP test -d ob.test.test
==> Creating new configuration at: /home/balena/open-balena/config
==> Bootstrapping easy-rsa...
  - Downloading easy-rsa...
==> Generating root CA certain...
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Enter PEM pass phrase:
Enter PEM pass phrase:

Why on debian am I asked to enter a PEM pass phrase.
Knowing that in production I will deploy via an ansible playbook, so this behavior is strange


You might want to check this Github issue and the linked PR

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