Hey, here’s a project for today’s Hack Friday. I’ve just got an Amazon Echo Dot, and now trying to control everything I can by voice.
The Beast is our demo rig with a bunch of Raspberry Pi 3 and PiTFTs, they are used to showcase some resin.io quickly. Today I’ve set up a little Alexa skill that looks up pictures from Flickr Search and shows them on the Beast’s screens, based on the voice request.
All the parts are on GitHub already:
- the code running on the Pis is https://github.com/resin-io-playground/beast-parametric
- the Alexa Skill’s source is here: https://github.com/resin-io-playground/voicebeast
Will add more info on how to set things up, readme, etc. I’ve based all of this on this great tutorial.
The other forum thread with the full Beast, mentioned in the video is here.