Thanks for the support access. I took a look at the supervisor errors and I suspect something might be off with your docker compose file. Specifically, I remember seeing such errors when there is malformed environment variable including extra spaces for instance.
Could you please check if your variables are set correctly?
I’ll also send a private message to get your docker compose file. It’d be great if you could share the relevant bits.
I am just following up on this thread because I cannot make out the final status. I looks to me like the issue has been solved and your service is running.
Is that correct ?
I still want to nail down exactly what caused the issue in the first place. I will a message I sent to @gelbal public for context. (It contains what I did to try and resolve things on my end)
At least for now making the following changes helped: (it has run for about 2 hours now)
moved setting my WORDDIR to below the RUN commands.
removed the volume: VOLUME [ “/nameOfVolumue” ]
I understand the least about what removing the volume did, but I suspect that may have been the issue as I haven’t seemed that command in any of the balena example projects.
I just want to make it clear to anyone having this problem down the road what I did to solve it.
I would also love anyone’s perspective on what might have caused this issue.
Hey @tacLog, thanks for the followup. I just checked your device and it seems like working fine now. Your main service up and running for the past 2 days. Then I don’t see these supervisor logs anymore which we saw earlier.
For the sake of anyone reading this in the future.
I don’t know what was causing the issue, but it has no showed up since I made my application more stable so I suspect that I was breaking off too many threads that were taxing the memory or cpu.