Hey there, could you please elaborate how you are trying to read the logs?
E.g. what happened to me is that if I use the command less logs.txt or vim I get this colouring noise as well, while with ```cat logs.txt`` it works perfectly fine.
Is that the case?
I see, so it seems that this noise comes only when you try to use the pipe.
Did you try to spit this in 2 steps, e.g. save the outcome of the curl command and save it on a file and then apply the pipe on the file?
[^[[47m^[[30mapi^[[39m^[[49m] GET /v1/device 200 - 5.041 ms
[^[[47m^[[30mapi^[[39m^[[49m] GET /v1/device 200 - 8.445 ms
[^[[47m^[[30mapi^[[39m^[[49m] GET /v1/device 200 - 8.445 ms
Coloring should be changable from the following systemd argument:
The value must be a boolean. Controls whether colorized output should be generated. This can be specified to override the decision that systemd makes based on $TERM and what the console is connected to.
Since I am using the supervisor endpoint I need some argument to disable coloring coming from the systemd log supervisor endpoint
Thanks for the research. This looks like something we can reproduce in a test case and make the relevant changes to the supervisor API handler. In the mean-time, I believe that you can strip out the color information by removing any control codes by piping the logs to i.e. tr, such as tr -d '[:cntrl:]'