I have read the documentation for hours. I successfully set up a application. Downloaded the image to Raspberry 4, got it recognized on the dash board. Now I want to get the balena-cam code and want to use the balena CLI to do it. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do it. I also cannot figure out how to get it off of Git, but I would prefer to not use Git. If I push the name balena-cam, it says target not recognized.
Were you able to successfully clone the balena-cam project into your computer? If you already see your device on the dashboard, the steps you need to do now are:
Get the code: git clone https://github.com/balena-io-projects/balena-cam.git, you can download it as a ZIP file if you don’t want to use git (click the green Clone or download button on github).
Change directory: cd balena-cam
Push the code: balena push <appName> where appName is the name of the application you created on balenaCloud, not the name of the github repo.