Balena API: create/update a device environment variable in one request

Our node sdk already offers a models.device.envVar.set() method which look similar to what you are trying to achieve:

On the other hand I realize that you are probably more interested at using the OData API directly on your PHP project.
You can achieve this by using a PUT request where you use the composite natural key of the resource as id of the request.

curl $'<app_id>,name=\'testname\')' \
  -X 'PUT' \
  -H 'authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>' \
  --data-raw '{"value":"test value"}'

Be aware though that updates of records with this approach, currently work like a DELETE and then re-INSERT, which means that you will be getting a fresh date on the created_at field whenever you so a PUT like the above. This might change it the future though to work like an POST/PATCH, but that shouldn’t be a breaking change probably.

The OData specification refers to this using the “Alternate Key” term. Let me also point you to that part of the specification:

Kind regards,

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