Automatically preload OS images downloaded from balenaCloud with the appropriate release

At the point of device flashing, the latest release of the user software will be included in the OS image.

We do currently flash the service release that the default release policy is pointing to (using balena cli). The latest release is sometimes a test build.
New devices will upgrade to the default release policy after first boot if it has changed between flashing and first boot.

Vipul Gupta: Internally, this would be a major improvement we are looking forward to. Preloading images for testing purposes is tedious and takes a significant amount of dependencies and time to complete.

For MVP, having an API endpoint where preloaded, bootable balenaOS images can be downloaded will be quite an improvement already. The etcher or UI work could follow after the MVP? Food for thought.

Additionally, hoping the aforementioned endpoint could accept configuration options like dev/prod, wifi credentials, and more.

+1 would love this feature in some form soon

Agreed, this feature would be quite nice. Our devices use Cell Networks to connect (Time|Bandwidth=$), and being able to quickly update our testing + production images to the newest container releases w/o docker version micro’ing would be fantastic (Our target device is RPI3 ++ We have Dev’s on Linux, Mac, and Windows).

Hello, we are wondering if there has been any progress/updates to this feature? It would be really handy.

Jasmine Gilbert set the status to No Status

Thanks for the comments and upvotes everyone! We recognise this is valuable have discussed this extensively, we did actually start to build a solution some months ago, however, we ran into some blockers and have unfortunately had to go back to the drawing board.